The Class 56 Group

Update Feb 2025

Hopefully members have received their latest edition of Gridiron.

SInce Gridiron went to press we have seen 56301 move from Loughborough to Boden Rail Engineering at Rectory Junction. There the locomotive will undergo final work to prepare it for return to mainline use and long awaited transfer of ownership to Cappagh/DCR.

56006 – our volunteers numbers continue to grow and as a result there is steady progress on returning 56006 to service after it’s winter hibernation. We now have a healthy pool of around 15 volunteers , and most are progressing through the ELR safety process to ensure they are fully aware of the methods of safe working.

Next working dates are 1st/ 2nd March and 22nd / 23rd March with others being planned. The objective is to get the loco ready for starting up during April in advance of testing and prep ready for the ELR Summer Gala.

Please get in touch if you want to get involved. It is an interesting fact that most of our new volunteers have come from the ELR side of things, very few are home grown from our pool of 200 C56G members.

Those attending the Autumn gala will recall 56006 wasn’t developing full power and we this will be investigated and hopefully resolved before the Gala.



