The Class 56 Group

Author: Keith Bulmer

  • 56301 – workings for Thursday 27th July 2023

    56301 should work in multiple with 56091 on tomorrows 6Z60 0951 Willesden DC Rail Sidings to Merehead Quarry . Realtime Trains | 6Z60 0951 Willesden Dc Rail Sidings to Merehead Quarry (Fhh) | 27/07/2023 Return working is 6Z61 1628 Merehead to Wiilesden. Detail here :- Realtime Trains | 6Z61 1628 Merehead Quarry (Fhh) to Willesden…

  • 56301 Tuesday 25th July 2023 working Chaddesden to Willesden DCR Sidings

    Today (Mon 24th July )56301 ran as planned from Leicester to Chaddesden Sidings and is now multied up with 56091 ready to work tomorrows 4Z43 0947 Chaddesden -Willesden DCR Sidings. This working will be formed of empty aggregates hoppers and as such will only require one loco to be powering and 56301 is likely to…

  • 56301 workings week commencing 24th July 2023

    56301 is booked to run light engine tomorrow 24th July as 0Z56 11:30 Leicester LIP – Chaddesden Sidings arr 12:32 (Realtime Trains | 0Z56 1130 Leicester L.I.P. to Chaddesden Sdgs | 24/07/2023

  • 56301 update 22nd July 2023

    Following a test run last Wednesday when 56301 (with 47749 in tow) ran from Leicester to Barrow Hill and back, the locomotive has been returned to operational status. The locomotive has been out of traffic for over 4 years since returning from a hire period at Peak Forest in 2018 . After a very long…

  • East Lancashire Railway Summer Diesel Gala

    Work to rewire the wheelslip protection circuits on 56006 has continued over the winter but unfortunately the work cannot now be completed soon enough to allow the full testing and proving of the work and then the essential test runs(s) before the upcoming Diesel Gala. Work will continue but the locomotive not scheduled to appear…

  • AGM Date – Saturday 15th July 2023 -at Bury East Lancashire Railway

    This years C56G & C56LL AGM will take place on – Saturday 15th July 2023 -at Bury East Lancashire Railway Start time is 12:30 at the Meeting Room at the ELR’s Buckley Wells Locomotive Depot, Baron Street, Bury, BL9 0TY , which is the same venue as last year. A light buffet will be served from around 12:15…

  • Update October 2022

    56006-progress. Pleased to report the tarpaulin fitted over the weekend of the AGM is doing its job as the inside of the locomotive is now bone dry. One unforeseen consequence is the lack of natural light- it wasn’t appreciated how much daylight was filtering into the loco through the cantrail air filter louvres. Recent work…

  • Update 4th September 2022

    56006 It is regretted that 56006 will not be available for the ELR September Gala. As explained previously to G56G members , the amount of work which can be completed by the small team of volunteers is the constraining factor. Recent appeals have not produced any additional volunteers. The ELR Gala organisers have been informed…

  • Update July 2022

    The C56G AGM took place on Saturday 23rd July at the East Lancashire Railway in Bury. The meeting was reasonably well attended and two members attended by remote video link. A group picture appears below. On the Sunday a team of 7 volunteers set to work on 56006 and the main accomplishment was the fitting…

  • 56006 status report – 26th June 2022

    56006 remains unavailable and will not be performing at next weekends ELR Diesel Gala. The overhaul of the top part of the electrical cubicle is ongoing and attendance by our small team of regular volunteers has been affected to greater or lesser degrees by Day jobs, family, Covid, TPE & RMT strikes. As a result…