Category: Future Workings
Class 56 RHTT news and diagrams
Tuesday 2nd October 2018 RHTT season got into full swing this week with no more than three pairs of class 56s involved in proceedings. After a successful shakedown run from Coleham (Shrewsbury) to Crewe & Wrexham and back last Wednesday, 56078 & 56087 have been deployed to the North Wales Coast diagrams, commencing with Monday…
Mainline news round up
Monday 24th September 2018 Above: 56113 stands at Fort William with GBRf’s 73107. Photo copyright: Jordan Kearney. Scottish Grid Action – 56113 made a rare visit for the class to the West Highland Line on Saturday 22nd, when it worked the 1Z30 Mossend Yard – Fort William & 1Z31 Fort William – Inverkeithing Goods Loop legs…
Thursday 30/08/18: RHTT Grid
Thursday 30/08/18 With the Rail Head Treatment Train season just around the corner, 56078 has been tasked to haul the first two Colas Rail sets from York Thrall Europa to Coleham (Shrewsbury) as 6Z56 tomorrow (Friday). Full timings can be found here: Note the unusual choice of routing…
Thursday 23/08/18: Latest news
Thursday 23/08/18 56103 – Spray painted, rather than vinyl wrapped as was first anticipated, the repaint of 56103 into DC Rail’s new corporate colours at Willesden is nearing completion. In a departure from the dark grey which was worn by former DC Rail fleet members 56311, 56312 and 31601, the new livery is primarily light grey /…
Thursday 09/08/18: Latest News
Thursday 9th August 2018 Fresh Paint – 56103 at Willesden ‘F’ Sidings is currently being prepared for a repaint into DC Rail’s dark grey livery, similar to that currently still worn by GBRf-owned 56311 / 56312 and the now preserved ex-DC Rail veteran 31601. The 56 has been deployed on their spoil trains between Willesden,…
Friday 03/08/18: Latest News
Friday 03/08/18 56006 – Following recent inspection at the East Lancashire Railway, it is now hoped to have 56006 available for traffic again at the end of August. 56049 – Repairs all completed, 56049 is expected to undertake it’s mainline test run this coming Monday (6th August), with a schedule in place for it to…
Monday 16/07/18: Latest News
Monday 16th July 2018 GBRf’s 56069, which was last week moved to the newly formed GBGS pool along with 56031, 032, 037 & 311, was hauled from Leicester Depot to Longport as 0M70 on Friday (13th July) with 66781 doing the honours. 56090 & 56094 appeared on the 6M32 Lindsey Oil Refinery – Preston Docks…
Tuesday 10/07/18: Latest News
Tuesday 10th July 2018 Following a couple of unsuccessful attempts, the first number of class 56s purchased by GBRf were finally moved from Leicester LIP to the EMD facility at Longport on Friday morning (6th July). 66769 was deployed to undertake the movement, which ran as 0M70 conveying 56031, 56032, 56037 & 56311. These four…
GBRf Grid move – Take two, again!
Thursday 6th July 2018. A schedule has, once again, been inputted onto the system for the movement of the first batch of class 56s from Leicester to Longport tomorrow:
Latest news
Friday 29th June 2018 Although the rearranged movement of GBRf class 56s from Leicester to Longport did once again not take place yesterday, 56009 (which is one of the sixteen sold to GBRf) was successfully moved away by road from Shackerstone (Battlefield Line Railway) to Longport, being sighted on the A50 heading westbound during the afternoon.…