The Class 56 Group

Category: Group News

  • 56006 Footplate experience dates-May 30th (Sat) 2020 and September 17th (Thur) 2020

    56006 Footplate experience dates-May 30th (Sat) 2020 and September 17th (Thur) 2020

    New dates annonced for 56006 driver experience days. Please contact us for more details or make a booking.   56006 performed three round trips between Heywood and Ramsbottom on Friday 11th as part of another footplate experience day. Another opportunity will arise in the new year for anyone wanting a chance to drive a class…

  • 56006 recent driver experience runs

    56006 recent driver experience runs

    56006 ran some driver experience trips on the 19th September. The class 24 had been booked to operate all day but as there were no customers after 1pm it was decided to give the 56 a run out if we could find anyone wanting to drive a 56. Due to the late notice we only…

  • 56128- update- Class 56 Group predicts the future!

    56128- update- Class 56 Group predicts the future!

    Sunday 8/9/19 By way of update , and demonstrating the truth of our post of almost a year ago, 56128 now resides at Longport and although initilally lined up as a standby in case any of the other 56’s dropped out of the program, it is understood the loco could now form part of the…

  • Work at Bury for arrival of C56G storage container

    Preparations are underway for the arrival of a 20′ container. The location has been identified and we need to add more ballast to the right hand edge of the current ballast shoulder and then site upturned concrete sleepers . The ELR guys will use their telelifter to do the heavy lifting but we’ll need a…

  • Brief update – 6th May 2019

    56006 has several running days scheduled at the East Lancashire Railway . The loco is currently awaiting some electrical attention but it is envisaged the loco will be available for its first duty on the 31st May. This is a driver experience day and not available to the general public. 56006’s first true running day…

  • Gridiron- update on next edition

    Update Sat 9th Feb – Gridiron should go to the printers this weekend . Keep checking here as we’ll try to post an update when the printer Gipping Press put them in the envelopes. Cheers Keith As you may be aware we’ve had a change of Editor on Gridiron and unfortunately this has resulted in…

  • Next working day on 56006 at Bury is Sunday 27th January 2019

    Next working day on 56006 at Bury is Sunday 27th January 2019

    A working day is planned for the above date. If anyone would like to come a long and help, or perhaps just see what we do before they get involved please get in touch via the e-mail address in the contacts section of the website – please use the one starting with chair@……. The next…

  • Update – 17th December 2018 to 11th January 2019

    11th January 2019 – 56301 has very likely finished its spell at Peak Forest now and should return to UKRL Leicester to have the bogie exchange carried out. Despite speculation on the internet, the loco has been at Peak Forest since 8th October and performed well. Only a couple of issues during that time, one…

  • Gridiron – latest edition delayed but imminent

    The next edition of Gridiron is very close to production, after some delays caused by the change over to a new editorial team. I’d guess it should be landing on doormats before this time next month. As Gridiron is also used to get membership renewals out to members there may be some members who have…

  • Update – 24th November to 16th December

    Update – 24th November to 16th December

    As reported previously – 56312 ran light to Peak Forest on the 28th November. The loco has been reallocated from HTLX to the GBGD pool, a new pool created for the active GBRf Class 56s. The RHTT season concluded around 8th December and the circuits using 56s were operated by the following locomotives: Gloucester –…