The Class 56 Group

Category: Group News

  • Current status of our locomotives – 56006 & 56301

    56006 – Out of traffic at Baron Street, Bury. The technical team are awaiting the purchase of a megger tester which allows the insulation to be checked on the locomotive’s cables and electrical equipment. We suspect the fault is due to damp in the system and we need the megger tester to trace the problem.…

  • DCR loco sale

    DCR loco sale

    4/12/17 – 56128 has moved by road to Booth’s at Rotherham. 56311 & 56312 were delivered by rail to Leicester. 56303 is still active and was last reported in the North bay at Derby or at the RTC nearby. 25/11/17 – Reports elsewhere that DCR’s new owners are retaining 56303, 56091 & 56103 with 56128, 56311…

  • November 2017 – Updated 25/11/17 to include 56301 duties W/C 26th Nov 17

    November 2017 – Updated 25/11/17 to include 56301 duties W/C 26th Nov 17

    A day at Bury on Monday 13th saw the defective auxiliary alternator coil replaced on 56006. The loco started first time afterwards, all three lamps on the control cubicle were lit and indicating output of all three phases was restored. A few other less serious faults remain outstanding but these should be fixed when availability of parts and…

  • 56301 returns to mainline use

    56301 returns to mainline use

    UPDATE – 6/10/17 – 56301 & 56081 repeated yesterdays 6Z16 & 6Z17 workings to Foxton. A picture of the return working 6Z17 below was taken by J. Hooson. A link to the WNXX site shows a picture of the pair crossing the A1 yesterday. Cut and paste this into your browser:- UPDATE 5/10/17 –…

  • Class 56 Group Constitution

    Some of the committee at our AGM on July 1st mentioned that they had not seen a copy of the Class 56 Group Constitution which I wrote some time ago. Presumably some members haven’t seen it also so I have attached a copy for your delight and enjoyment! Regards Andrew WilsonSignedconstitution

  • 56 006 to stay on ELR following Diesel Gala

    The Class 56 Group are please to announce that an agreement has been made which will see  56 006  remain at the East Lancashire Railway following this weekends diesel gala. The locomotive will be available for use on the railway and will take part in future diesel galas and operating days. It is also expected…

  • More Grid Galleries …

    Yep, we now have galleries up for the first 50 members of the class. Take a look at our galleries pages here

  • First 20 Grid Galleries published

    We have just published our first two albums containing fots of the first 20 locos in the class. Join us for a walk down memory lane and keep your eyes on the site as we add fots of all 135 locos over the coming weeks and months 🙂 Take a look at our galleries here


    The annual meeting of the Class 56 Group will take place on the above date. Details are available in the latest edition of Gridiron which should be with members any time now. As always we encourage as many members as possible to attend and contribute to the direction the group takes in future.

  • Grid Photo Albums

    Keep an eye out on our site as we’ll shortly be putting together a comprehensive photo gallery of every member of the class built. In the mean time enjoy 56001 …