The Class 56 Group

Category: Uncategorised

  • C56G AGM Saturday 27th July 2024 – Bury ELR

    The meeting will take place at the East Lancashire Railways, Baron Street works. Baron Street BL9 0TY. The location is only a short walk from the Metrolink Interchange in Bury town centre. The meeting starts around 12:30 and the AGM for the Limited Company will take place first and the C56G AGM will follow on…

  • Update 56006 & 56301 June 2024

    With the welcome addition of around 6 new volunteers work on 56006 has been able to progress at a much better rate than previously. Several work parties have taken place during April and May with the power unit started up and the process of checking both brake and electrical systems could begin. Several issues arose…

  • Update – 56301 & 56006

    Further to last months update on 56301:- Loco is currently undergoing engine repairs at UKRL Loughborough and these are expected to take in the region of 6 to 8 weeks. Once repairs are complete , a loaded test will be undertaken before the delayed handover of the locomotive to Cappagh Group can take place. 56006…

  • Update April 2024 – Important Class 56 Group Announcement

    Firtst of all apologies for the lack of updates recently, as some of you will already be aware, the C56G website had become rather unresponsive over the last few months and would not only time out for users but also for administrators trying to update the website news. This seems to have been resolved now…

  • 56301 – week commencing 16th October

    With 56091 is back at UKRL Leicester for a scheduled B exam , 56301 should work Chaddesden sidings to Wembley and then run over to Acton tomorrow Tuesday 17th October Realtime Trains | 4Z43 0451 Chaddesden Sdgs to Wembley Receptions 1-7 | 17/10/2023 Realtime Trains | 0C01 1140 Wembley Receptions 1-7 to Acton T.C. |…

  • 56301 – week commencing 9th October 2023

    First of all let me apologise for the recent lack of advance warning of 56301 workings. This is due to our website becoming a little bit cranky and slow. This means it is not always allowing access to post latest news. We intend replacing the current website quite soon to improve things but in the…

  • 56301 ELR Autumn Gala- some words and pictures-Keith Bulmer

    56301 is currently on hire to DCR but following some repairs at UKRL Leicester, the loco happened to be available and DCR willingly agreed the loco would be ok to attend the Gala. From the Class 56 Group point of view it was important because the although repairs on 56006 are progressing well the loco…

  • 56301 transfers to ELR Thursday 14th September ready to to attend ELR Autumn Gala Friday 15th-Thursday16th September.

    These images were taken as 56301 headed west along the Calder Valley line, on the approach to Brighouse in West Yorkshire.  The 56 was briefly checked at the signal and restarted in the first image, as it was following a Northern service. Working is 0Z61 12:44 Doncaster Down Decoy- Bury ELR. Both photos Russell Wykes…

  • 56301 -update 20th August 2023

    After an unplanned outing to Merehead on the 4th August , 56301 ran light back to Leicester for some planned engine maintenance . The locomotive should come off maintenance by the 25th August and would then be available to cover duties as required by DCR.

  • 56301 workings for Monday 31st July 2023

    56301 plus 56091 should work in multiple on tomorrows Isle of Grain working . 4Z70 09:24 Willesden – Grain & 6Z71 14:24 Grain – Willesden. Realtime Trains | 4Z70 0924 Willesden Dc Rail Sidings to Grain Foster Yeoman Gbrf | 31/07/2023 Realtime Trains | 6Z71 1424 Grain Foster Yeoman Gbrf to Willesden Dc Rail Sidings…