The Class 56 Group

“Grid” Group News

  • Tuesday 10/07/18: Latest News

    Tuesday 10th July 2018 Following a couple of unsuccessful attempts, the first number of class 56s purchased by GBRf were finally moved from Leicester LIP to the EMD facility at Longport on Friday morning (6th July). 66769 was deployed to undertake the movement, which ran as 0M70 conveying 56031, 56032, 56037 & 56311. These four…

  • GBRf Grid move – Take two, again!

    Thursday 6th July 2018. A schedule has, once again, been inputted onto the system for the movement of the first batch of class 56s from Leicester to Longport tomorrow:

  • Latest news

    Friday 29th June 2018 Although the rearranged movement of GBRf class 56s from Leicester to Longport did once again not take place yesterday, 56009 (which is one of the sixteen sold to GBRf) was successfully moved away by road from Shackerstone (Battlefield Line Railway) to Longport, being sighted on the A50 heading westbound during the afternoon.…

  • GBRf ‘Grids’ on the move – take two!

    Wednesday 27th June 2018 **These moves were sadly CANCELLED again** Another attempt at moving the first small batch of class 56s sold to GBRf, from Leicester Depot to the EMD facility at Longport, Stoke-on-Trent, should be taking place tomorrow morning. Timings are as follows: 0M69 (GBRf class 66 solo from Peterborough Depot) 0M70 (GBRf class…

  • Latest news (21/06/18)

    Thursday 21st June 2018 Last updated at 13:10 Unfortunately, the planned movement of class 56s from Leicester LIP to Longport did not take place today. Hauling locomotive, GB Railfreight’s unique ‘Maritime’ liveried 66727, arrived with 66708 (also bound for Longport for contracted maintenance) and 56031, 56311 & 56037 were marshalled between the two locomotives. However,…

  • GBRf ‘Grids’ on the move

    Wednesday 20th June 2018 The first batch of class 56s sold to GBRf should be moving to Longport tomorrow (Thursday) behind one of their class 66 locomotives. Timings are as follows: 0M69 (class 66) Peterborough Maintenance Shed 0757 Peterborough Eastfield Jn 0800-0804 New England North Jn 0810 Helpston Jn. 0814 Uffington S.B. 0820 Ketton S.B.…

  • 56103 returns

    Tuesday 19th June 2018 Last updated at 21:00 DC Rail’s 56103 has returned to mainline traffic today, working the 0Z38 1030 Leicester LIP – Doncaster Up Decoy with Garcia Hanson’s 50008. It then returned south on the 6Z65 1415 Doncaster Up Decoy – Leicester LIP, hauling a single PNA wagon with 50008 on the rear.…

  • GBRf acquires class 56 locomotives

    Sunday 17th June 2018 GB Railfreight (GBRf) has this week confirmed that it has acquired sixteen class 56 locomotives from UK Rail Leasing Ltd (UKRL), along with a number of spares and materials. The purchase, which includes a mixture of both serviceable and stored, non-operational ‘donor’ locomotives, is a result of the continued growth in the…

  • Latest news – added 20/05/18

    56301 arrived back at it’s home depot of Leicester on Wednesday evening, having been hauled from Tyseley by Garcia Hanson’s 50008. The move was operated by DC Rail and we thank them for their involvement in proceedings. Further news on 56301’s return to traffic will be made available as and when it is known. 56096 worked the…

  • Severn Valley Railway diesel gala – update

    Tuesday 15/05/18 Regrettably, Ruddington-based 56097 has been pulled from the Severn Valley Railway’s Spring diesel gala which kicks off this Friday. However, Colas Rail are kindly providing one of their class 56 locomotives as a replacement. Full event information and timetable can now be viewed here.

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