“Grid” Group News
56302 6Y56 Grangemouth to Fort William Sunday 2nd July 2017
Alasdair Eadington provided this shot of 56302 leaving Grangemouth on the above working.
Class 56 Group Constitution
Some of the committee at our AGM on July 1st mentioned that they had not seen a copy of the Class 56 Group Constitution which I wrote some time ago. Presumably some members haven’t seen it also so I have attached a copy for your delight and enjoyment! Regards Andrew WilsonSignedconstitution
56 006 to stay on ELR following Diesel Gala
The Class 56 Group are please to announce that an agreement has been made which will see 56 006 remain at the East Lancashire Railway following this weekends diesel gala. The locomotive will be available for use on the railway and will take part in future diesel galas and operating days. It is also expected…
ELR Gala convoy Tuesday 4th July- 56006 arrived on ELR
West Coast Railway Company will operate the gala convoy on the above date and current timings/route are:- 0Z56 0750 Castleton Hopwood GF – Derby arr 1300 (expected to be CFPS loco 40145) 0Z57 1525 Derby – Crewe Heritage Centre – arr 1715 ( 40145+ 56006) (pass Burton 1542 / Stafford 1629) 0Z58 1810 Crewe Heritage…
56 Grangemouth to Fort William? Sunday 2nd July 2017
WEBSITE UPDATED with picture of 56302 leaving Grangemouth with 6Y56. Photo : Alasdair Eadington Rumours of a 56 working to Fort William continue but times have been entered for a working today.This is believed to be linked to the fuel oil taffic to Fort William which was expected to transfer to road. Departure is 1420…
Sunday 2nd July – 0Z06 Leicester- Derby Etches Park (ROG Class 37 +56006)
0Z06 1330 Leicester L.I.P. to Etches Park Sdgs Runs on 2nd July 2017 Diesel locomotive WTT Realtime Route Allowances Location Pl Arr Dep Arr Dep Dly Line Path Eng Pth Prf Leicester L.I.P. 1330 1330 Leicester [LEI] UDS 1333 1340 1333 1340 FL Leicester North Jn. pass 1341 pass 1341 Humberstone Rd Jn pass 1342…
Galleries for all locos in class
We have now created galleries for all 135 locos in the class, take a walk down memory-lane with us here
CANCELLED – Humber Grid Railtour – 9th September 2017
Unfortunately this tour has now been cancelled.
UKRL 56 x 2 appear at Midland Railway Gala
This one crept under our radar but 56081 & 56104 are currently at the Midland Railway Centre Butterley as part of this weekends diesel Gala. Picture shows 56081 during a layover at the Gala yesterday (18th June 2017). Picture from C56G member Gareth Yates
56006 to attend East Lancs Diesel Gala 7th – 9th July 2017
Please see text in bold for the latest news 56006 has been invited back to the Eat Lancs Diesel Gala and the Committee and Volunteers are currently working hard to ensure the tyre turning required can be completed in time for 56006 to hitch a ride on the Gala convoy which will operate a few…
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