The Class 56 Group

July 2017 workings

The class continue to operate daily on the network with the Colas steel trip to Boston Docks probably providing the most regular duty.

31/7 56113 worked 6E07/6M08 to /from Boston. 56303 worked 6Z67 Calvert-Webmley

27/7 After a long period sat at Grangemouth 56094 worked 6N46/6N47 to Prestwick and return.

23/7 56302 worked 6N56 Grangemouth- Fort William and returned on the 24/7. 56303 ran to Willesden.

22/7 56302 6c35 Carlisle- Dalston tanks

21/7 56303 took a railgrinder from Derby to High Marnham working as 8Z57

19&20th July- 56078 was utilised to work oil trains from Lindsey to West Burton

Tue 18/7 56087 worked 6E07 to Boston and  56302 worked 6R46 to Prestwick

Sat 15 /7  56096 + 56105 worked 6C55 2251 Doncaster Decoy- Dockfield Jcn (near Shipley) and should work back Sunday morning at 0830 ( train actually departed 0718) and booked arrival into Decoy Yard is 1035.

14/7 56115 + 50017 worked to Kings Norton Plant Depot with a Colas Crane. Loco is reported still at Kings Norton.


During the week commencing 10th July the following workings were reported.

56078 ran another oil train from Lindsey to West Burton  on Thursday 13th July.

56094 ran light from Washwood Heath on Wednesday 12th July upto Carlisle and then on to Grangemouth (possibly in the consist of Thursdays returning tanks from Dalston) . 56302 is also at Grangemouth but the early morning trip to Prestwick was cancelled with RTT stating problem with traction equipment. On the one hand 56302 may well have failed and 56094 sent to replace it. On the other hand Colas may have extra duties which require an extra 56 ( Fort William fuel train perhaps?)

56096 and 56105 worked to Toton and ended up on a few railvac duties during the same week.




