The Class 56 Group

Update – 56301 & 56006

Further to last months update on 56301:-

Loco is currently undergoing engine repairs at UKRL Loughborough and these are expected to take in the region of 6 to 8 weeks.

Once repairs are complete , a loaded test will be undertaken before the delayed handover of the locomotive to Cappagh Group can take place.


Working days are planned for the 12th May and 15th May. A small number of new volunteers have joined the team via the ELR volunteer process and we plan to continue work on two fronts:-

1st is to bring the loco out of winter storage and ensure no water has worked its way into the cylinders via the exhaust ports- the tarpaulin is fitted but it is always a wise precaution to check. Tarpaulin is to be removed and loco prepared for a start up and systems check in advance of the ELR gala at the end of June.

2nd – to continue with tidying up the interior of the locomotive – painting the interior is progressing and does make a big difference to the working environment for volunteers. With the tarpaulin off , attention can turn to the exterior paintwork and undoing some of the weathering effects.



